

free streaming tools for free media.
free as in speech, free as in cost.

recommended broadcasts :> recommended channels

live audio broadcasts :> list of channels

live video broadcasts :> list of channels

video archives :> contents latest

map of active broadcasts :> leaflet

G.I.S.S. servers statistics :> statistics

G.I.S.S. server activity :> activity

Terms Of Use

GISS.tv is a volunteer, non-commercial network created with free software for free media.

when you create a mountpoint in GISS.tv you agree to the following terms :

* The media you stream is under copyleft or non-commercial copyright (e.g. creative commons).

* If the media is not copyright free then you must own the copyright of the media, or be authorized to stream by the author/creator.

* No commercial advertising or obviously commercial music ( top 10 ).

* No racism, nationalism, xenophobia, sexism, homophobia, ...

* No religious programs or missionarism...

* We will not accept neither any kind of propaganda : religious, political or sectarian.

Please report any violations of these terms or other problems here : gissnetwork _at_ gmail _dot_ com




Stream Setup

To use GISS.tv for streaming (video &/or audio) you need to create a channel. this is the address that you stream to and where others can receive.

Development Tools

See for yourself what you need to stream to our Icecast 2 server :

Contact Us

chat :> gchat irc

Get support at gissnetwork _at_ gmail _dot_ com

+ infos

GISS.tv wiki : about connecting, streaming tools, servers configuration and much more ...

If you want to support the giss.tv project, you can participate to its sustainability by helping us covering the costs of hosting and administration :

You can also donate to our wallet :

but WARNING !!

G.I.S.S is not a service or a company : we only support projects we like!

It cannot be used for any commercial purpose.
See the Terms Of Use for more details.

It is a platform for experimentation and research on free technologies in the era of internet media gently supported by :

and more advocates for the internet without control, surveillance or normalization....