free streaming tools for free media.
free as in speech, free as in cost.
recommended broadcasts :> recommended channels
live audio broadcasts :> list of channels
live video broadcasts :> list of channels
video archives :> contents latest
map of active broadcasts :> leaflet
G.I.S.S. servers statistics :> statistics
G.I.S.S. server activity :> activity
Terms Of Use GISS.tv is a volunteer, non-commercial network created with free software for free media.
when you create a mountpoint in GISS.tv you agree to the following terms :
* The media you stream is under copyleft or non-commercial copyright (e.g. creative commons).
* If the media is not copyright free then you must own the copyright of the media, or be authorized to stream by the author/creator.
* No commercial advertising or obviously commercial music ( top 10 ).
* No racism, nationalism, xenophobia, sexism, homophobia, ...
* No religious programs or missionarism...
* We will not accept neither any kind of propaganda : religious, political or sectarian.
Please report any violations of these terms or other problems here : gissnetwork _at_ gmail _dot_ com
Stream Setup To use GISS.tv for streaming (video &/or audio) you need to create a channel. this is the address that you stream to and where others can receive.
Development Tools See for yourself what you need to stream to our Icecast 2 server :
Contact Us
chat :> gchat irc
Get support at gissnetwork _at_ gmail _dot_ com
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