20th of January : They've got a bomb
20th of January : They've Got A Bomb
'They've Got A Bomb' is an occasion for showing our support to victims of massive and blind bombing on Gaza, and also against the experimentation of new american weapons over disarmed populations. The new nickname of the bomb is DIME : [DIME]
The human race ( there's only one race here, 'arab' or 'african' is not a race ) is able to invent more horrors everyday...
A performance night with all benefit for Gaza Strip : [They've Got A Bomb BCN]
21h-24h : actuaciones A/V
- Segmentation fault!
- Diego de leon / sonom
- Mis.fit.bit. + adrikadabri
- Saxwakuy + m1m0z1nn37
- d.R.e.G.S. + terminal4
They've got more than one bomb, unfortunately
El evento en Valparaíso tendrá lugar el martes 20 desde ESPACIO G en escalera Fischer, pasaje Fischer 25, Valparaíso, desde las 18:00 hrs.
Será un evento simultáneo con Nazareth, Beirouth, Barcelona y Valparaíso.
Desde nuestro lado haremos música y daremos información sobre el problema de la ocupación israeli en palestina.
Programa previsional :
- Julio Lamilla
- Espacio G
- elpueblodechina
- Erzebeth Bathory
- Olimac Sagrav
- Jorge Budrovich
- Felipe Klaue
The event will take place in the opening of 'Evil Moisture' exposition in the Miroiterie ( 88, rue de Mesnilmontant ) on the 21st.
Previsional Program ::
- c104 a.k.a. scenophonie [Scenophonie]
- Super SS ( black humor )
- Ancient Astronauts ( binaural warfare ) [Ancient Astronauts]
- Sonic Surgeon
- Erik Minkkinnen a.k.a. eeek ( remote from Nantes ) [eeek]