Distributed Multi-Media DataBase ( dmmdb )

From Giss
Revision as of 03:24, 28 July 2010 by Sevy (talk | contribs)

Context And Goals

This tasks aims at publishing a multimedia database system that would enable each content provider to share his media archive with other G.I.S.S. participants. This media database should be available as a GPL package for most common systems ( debian, ubuntu, ... ) and easy to install on any G.I.S.S. user server.

G.I.S.S. will not provide hosting space, but the package and instructions to set up your own database easily and to connect it to other multi-media archives.


  • supports ogg/theora and flash formats ( optionally )
  • supports HTML5 <video> and <audio> tags
  • is skinable for each user :

see PCPtv for the creation of a user channel.

  • upload and automatic conversion of video files to Ogg/Theora

and of audio files to Ogg/Vorbis ( or flash respectively )

  • multi-language support
  • search engine
  • voting system ( favorites )
  • annotation/subtitles facility
  • support for playlists
  • can be easily embedded into a CMS like Joomla! (done) or drupal (to be done)
  • and last but not least, RSS support

that adds distributed capability to the publishing system, see on Giss dmmdb an example of friend channels.

CVS version

The CVS version includes the latest developments for the dmmdb :

export CVSROOT=:pserver:anonymous@giss.tv:/home/cvs
cvs login ( empty passwd )
cvs co dmmdb

then read the installation instructions : INSTALL

Release of an official Release Candidate : dmmdb 2.1.0 RC1


2.1.0  : codename : CMS/JSON

  • added JSON interface to include dmmdb in a CMS

like joomla or drupal

  • multi-channels support
  • modularity improved
  • added spanish translation by

Quique ( quique _at_ sindominio _dot_ net )

  • make all the view configurable,

with more parameters, background, sizes...

The version of dmmdb 2.1.0 is available here ( version 2.1.0 RC1 ) :


then read the installation instructions : INSTALL

Dmmdb component for Joomla! : com_dmmdb 2.0.0

Once you have installed a dmmdb version 2.1.0, you can include its contents in Joomla! using the Joomla dmmdb component :


download this component and install it in your Joomla! using the administration interface ( extensions->install ).

then, you can create a component, e.g. a dmmddb page in your Joomla! creating a component with the following parameters :

 * Server Url : url of your dmmdb ( ex: http://giss.tv/dmmdb )  	
 * List of channels or 'all' for all channels : a list of channels you want to see ( ex: giss, telenoika ) 	
 * Maximum number of channels : in the case you want to see 'all' limit the number of visible channels,
                                the nth ultimate channels will appear	
 * Width : width of the component
 * Number of videos per menu : number of accessible videos at once	
 * Show videos in a pop-up window : pop-up a modal window to play videos	
 * Show search window : show search window	
 * Show Latest Videos : show latest videos ( default=yes )
 * Show comments on media : show comments	
 * Show most viewed : show most viewed
 * Show favorites : show favorites
 * Show categories : show categories
 * Show videos of the same author : show videos by the same author
 * Show videos in the same category : show videos of the same category	
 * Show videos with the same keywords : show videos with the same keywords 	
 * Show playlists : show playlists
 * Show friend channels : show friend channels
 * Show latest media on friend channels : show latest videos on friend channels
 * Text Color : text color
 * Background Color : background color
 * Tip Text Color : tip text color
 * Tip Background Color : tip background color
 * Link Color : link color

You can have an idea of what can be obtained looking at this example : Telenoika with giss.tv ( go to 'canal giss.tv' )

Release of an official Release Candidate : dmmdb 2.0.1 RC1


2.0.1  : codename : H T M L 5

  • support for <audio> and <video> tag

( in the sense of firefox >3.5 , with ogg encoded media )

  • default to java player for all other browsers
  • fixed lost logins when in admin pages ( bug )
  • added download counter

The version of dmmdb 2.0.1 is available here ( version 2.0.1 RC1 ) :


then read the installation instructions : INSTALL

Release of an official Release Candidate : dmmdb 2.0 RC1

The version of dmmdb 2.0 is available here ( version 2.0 RC1 ) :


then read the installation instructions : INSTALL